by Jafar Abbas
aadeparture of Jafar Abbas, his anthology – Feast of Stones offers glimpses of a person who always preferred to remain fameless, as he loved to wander the inner world of his own. Yet the language of his poesy became the proof of his existence. The unique diction of verse is his identity, and readers can feel it. From his inner cosmos to the grandiose of the Nature, and from feebleness to a profounder pain, Jafar Abbas never ceases to amaze his readers. He knew a lot, but pretended to be naïve. And his naivety – when molded in his poetry – surprises the audience that how great an artist he was. His verses are his memoire as well. Sometimes he expressed his sorrow as poetry, and -being an illustrator-occasionally painted his pain on the canvas. He was a great poet indeed, and his anthology establishes it beyond any doubt.
Rs: 800