by Farhan Hameed Khan
Glorious Allama Iqbal is the figure who has given Muslim Ummah how to think above than any ordinary human. His literature and philosophies which are based on Islam are the gifts for Muslims around the world. Unfortunately, in our era, his messages are not being conveyed to the children using modern ways, and there is a big room which can be improved by thinking creatively. In addition to philosophy, lack of children books in the Urdu language is also unavoidable. Our generation is inclined towards foreign culture and languages, due to lack of storytelling and imagination appreciation in our society. About the Book: “Irteqa-e-Shaheen” is the only book in Urdu Adab which is built with the concept to leverage creative ideas for children using Iqbal Philosophy. These ideas include fascinating imaginary sceneries, character development, character designs, and stories telling which are made by converting Allama Iqbal’s poems. Contents: Following five different poems are converted into children stories “Aik Marka aur Makhi,” “Pahar aur Gulheri,” ” Aql o Dil,” “Tarana-e-milli” and “Sitaro say agay jahan aur bhi hain.” These Urdu stories are made so that a poem can be understandable for the children without losing the spirit of Iqabliat. Audience (Age recommendation) : The recommended age for this book is from 4 to 11 years old. Children, less than 6 years, might need reading support from parents. Reason to Buy: Teaching children about Allama Iqbal Philosophy with better approach. Each poem has a story, moral context and images which will force a child mind to think broadly. About Author: Farhan Hameed Khan is a technologist, architect, writer, innovator, and social entrepreneur. He has more than 15 years of experience in software and I.T. industry and produced numerous products in the commercial and private market globally. He is currently involved with technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and cybersecurity. He loves philosophy, especially Iqabliat and story writing is his passion since childhood. He is enthusiastic in creating a fusion between arts and science by using modern techniques. Muqaam is one of his idea where he has converted philosophy into a story and then published them in digital interactive applications for the children. Irteqa-e-Shaheen is his first book on a similar context for the children
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