by Suleman Ahmer
Life lessons of a scientist who Quit Research for War Relief is a collection of Suleman Ahmer’s judicious reflections on life as a material scientist, swimming instructor, builder, and manager of a hospital in war zones, an inmate of concentration camps and prisons, a university lecturer, life coach, mountain trekker, business consultant and a father of eleven kids. The hues of humanity that he has experienced through his interaction with people from multiple global zones have offered him a percipient sagacity that he now shares as a collection in ‘inversions’. As irrefutably admitted by avid researchers across the world, it is always the sound of personal experience soldered with compassion and first-hand experience that leaves the most profound, indelible, and life-changing impact on the mind. ‘Inversions: Life lessons of a scientist who Quit Research for War Relief’ is undoubtedly one of those books.
Rs: 500